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Cranial Osteopathy

Acupuncture Therapies


WEBSITE UNDER CONSTRUCTION, for more information get in touch

Emerald on a pebble representing healthy body structure, health, osteopathy alignment, embodied spirituality, aura light

About Me

Gideon Seth Ries


Gideon is a highly experienced Osteopath. He treats a wide range of conditions in people of all ages. He strongly believes that the body knows the fine detail of the treatment it needs and that if given the opportunity to direct the healing process it will acheive the best outcome. By listening  to the individual’s body with a well developed touch sense, combined with information from the patient’s medical history, any past accidents and lifestyle choices, the blockages or injuries tend to reveal themselves and become amenable to treatment.

Gideon enjoys the challenges that his patients bring to him and it can often be that with the right perception, accuracy and contact pressure the patient’s body is able to rebalance, release and restore itself to health. It’s  very satisfying to be part of the cure and see happy patients.

I ran a very busy full-time practice for 30+ years, with more than 20 years at the Oak Clinic in Killaloe, Co Clare. In recent years I decided to work part time and relocated nearer to my home in East Clare. I graduated in Osteopathic Medicine and Naturopathic Medicine in 1992. I graduated as an Acupuncturist in 2012

Gideon Seth Ries DO, FSCCO, ND, LAc, MACI, ROSIM

Fellow of the Sutherland Cranial College of Osteopathy, England

Member of the Acupuncture Council of Ireland

Osteopath, Cranial Osteopath, Naturopath, Acupuncturist

Gideon portrait


Therapy & Services

Osteopathy & Cranial Osteopathy

every a,

 “The job of the Physician is to find the Health in their patient. Anyone can find disease” Dr A.T. Still, founder of Osteopathy

Osteopathy concerns itself with identifying, locating and removing the blockages in the body that prevent the natural restoration of health.

Gideon offers experienced and caring treatment for Babies, Children, Adults, Pregnancy and Seniors to support the restoration of health in the whole body. Including but not limited to the muscles, ligaments, spine and bone, facial and cranial mechanics, central nervous system and brain, digestive system, immune system, organs & glandular systems, bodily fluid

Each person is a unique individual with their own genetics, body type, physical experiences and personal history. So every treatment over this time has needed a unique and person-centred approach to be successful.

You are welcome to contact me if you have any questions

Acupuncture with Osteopathy combined


coming soon!

You are welcome to contact me if you have any questions

Clinic Information

Osteopathy, Cranial Osteopathy

& Acupuncture Therapies

Treatments are 30 minutes and the fee is €80

Some patients prefer a ‘double’ session that lasts an hour. The fee for this is €130 and has stayed the same for 14 years

Treatments are covered by medical insurance though it is necessary to check with your insurer about your individual cover.

First consultation and treatment: It is a personal choice whether you opt for a double session which provides for considerably more treatment after the initial consultation on the same day; or prefer the single session where we will open your treatment after the consultation and may need to bring you back for a follow up sooner.


The clinic room is on the ground floor. Please note that the clinic building does not have a wheelchair accessible toilet facilities.



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